3 Ways Your Roof Could Be Damaged By Summer Weather

29699906_sSummer is looked at as a time for rest and relaxation. For spending time with family, taking vacations, and making lasting memories. However, the roof of your house is subject to some very real damage during the summer months. Here are some things that could damage your roof this summer:

Trees. During the fall and winter months the soil surrounding the trees on your property to become saturated, causing the soil to shift and the root system of the tree to become fragile. While trees are great to have during the summer months, because they provide beauty and much needed shade, they can also be dangerous to the structure of your home – especially the roof. Summer time fires due to lightning strikes are not uncommon, not to mention heavy wind storms that can blow tree branches and leaves onto the shingles of your roof. This can cause ripping and dislodging of the shingles, leaving your roof exposed.

Direct sunlight. Your roof is the first layer of the structure of your home and is closest to the harmful rays of the sun. The UV rays of the sun can dry out the materials your roof is made from and cause it to crack. Unless you have specifically installed a roof made from light reflecting materials, your roof’s materials will absorb the heat and the UV rays of the sun and begin to breakdown. Then, when the winter hits your roof will be more susceptible to damage from the rain and snow.

Lightning. While we think of the summer months as being warm and free from any severe weather, summer storms are not out of the question. Unfortunately, these storms bring with them lightning, which can strike the trees around your home or, the roof itself. In addition to the lightning summer storms can bring heavy rain and sometimes even hail. Luckily these storms are not common, but it only takes one to cause dents, punctures, and rips in your roof’s shingles.

Being aware of how your roof might be in danger during the summer months gives you information so that you can be prepared. While you can’t change the weather or, put a giant dome over your house, you can keep an eye on your roof and inspect it once a month and after storms. Catching small problems early is the best way to avoid big problems.

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